Monday, July 8, 2019

Welcome to Sixth Grade!! 
I can't wait for our year to get started.

Open House will be Tuesday, August 20th from 5:00 to 6:00pm
I hope everyone will stop by and say hello! 

The first day of school is Thursday, August 22nd. 

Below is a copy of our supply list. 
If obtaining any of the supplies places a hardship on your family, 
please talk to me privately. I would love to help! 

6th Grade Supply List

Bible (King James or New International Version)

(2) packages of loose-leaf notebook paper (one for binder and keep one in locker)

(1) 2 inch – 3 ring binder

(8) tabbed dividers (we will write on the tabs in class)

(1) glue stick

(2) highlighters


ruler with inches and centimeters

(4) pens (red or blue ink)

(1)  package of pencils

(1)  package of pencil top erasers (will turn in to teacher)

(1)  package of 3x5 index cards (for research paper)

(1) zippered pencil pouch

(1) box of colored pencils

(1) composition notebook

(1) box of tissues

$10 payable to NLCA for planner and Time magazine subscription
(please turn into Mrs. Eades)