Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Remote Learning for 1/19/22

Hello Everyone! 

Thank you to everyone who logged onto our Zoom meeting! It was good to see your faces! 

Here are your assignments for 1/19/22 

Bible - Please copy Psalm 1 on notebook paper. (Don't forget to also memorize it for your test on 1/28/22.) 

Language - look over the subjective, objective and possessive case pronouns; there will be a quiz on these, as well as the indefinite, demonstrative and interrogative pronouns when we return to class (I will also go over this material before the quiz.) 

Reading - Please look over the SAT 10 Vocabulary Practice List. The test for this list remains the same as when it was assigned. 

Spelling - The test on List 17 remains scheduled for this Friday, 1/21/22. In the event we are not at school that day, we will have it the day we return. For today, please choose 5 spelling words and write each one in a compound sentence. 

Math - Please go to and complete one math test. Your password is your first inital and last name followed by the digit 6. (Example: leades6) Your password is the same as your password for Dream Box. Please select "Math Test" and "25 Questions". If you aren't sure what to do on a problem, do your best, but don't fret. This will show me what we need to work on in class. 

As a reminder, if you have any questions, please send me an email at 

Have a great day!! 

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